Friday, November 05, 2010

LG Rumor Touch Review

The LG Rumor Touch from Virgin Mobile is my current phone. I have the Beyond Talk $25 a month plan. The plan has unlimited internet and 300 minutes a month.

Sometimes YouTube videos will get an error when trying to play them.

There are a few free programs you can load from Virgin like google maps and opera mini. You can't load other programs unless you hack it.

The google maps program that works on this phone does not have spoken directions which would be nice when you are driving.

You can use most HTML websites with either the built-in netfront web browser or opera mini.

The phone has good battery life. I think I can use it about a week assuming I am not using the phone a lot.

I really like the phone even if it is not as good as a smart phone; however, now that they have an Android phone available I think I will upgrade in the future so I can do more.

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