Like many other people my first ISP was AOL when the Internet was new. I started out with just one email from AOL as my first email but when I canceled my AOL ISP service I lost my email.
I then started using hotmail so I could keep the same email forever since it was not tied to an ISP.
I used Outlook Express so I could backup my hotmail email messages to my desktop computer. Now in 2008 Microsoft is discontinuing Outlook Express. I could upgrade to Windows Mail and get the same functionality but I think I will just use web based email because it is easier to manage. I have a total of 1 GB of email backups which is a bother to manage.
I now have emails with Hotmail, Live, Yahoo, and Gmail. I still have not tried the new AOL mail which is now free and offers unlimited storage. Both Yahoo and AOL now have unlimited email storage.
I changed all my email to Yahoo for anything that I sign up for so I don't have to worry about backing up email anymore.
I am still using web based Hotmail for my personal email but I might change this too so I don’t have to worry about backups.